Copywriting for the The 5 Stages of Awareness

Copywriting for the The 5 Stages of Awareness

Copywriting Tips

Creating content is challenging, enjoyable and fun. Okay, I’m obviously biased, and it’s clearly my favorite thing to do. That’s not true for most business owners. If you find it time-consuming, expensive and tedious, you’re not alone. It feels like you have to be all the places, writing all the things.

It’s not true.

In fact, it’s not smart.

Marketing that’s targeted will give you your best return on investment both in time and money. The key is to know exactly who you’re talking to and how you’re talking to them. That’s why I insist on developing personas. Personas are snapshots of your ideal customer. They’ll include demographics, psychographics and their stage of awareness.

Every person is in 1 of the 5 stages of the awareness. The framework was pioneered back in the ’60s by Eugene Schwartz, and it remains as relevant today as ever. The purpose of your content is to move your ideal customer from the first stage (or “top of the funnel”) to the last stage (cha ching!)

What Are the 5 Stages of Awareness?

It’s worth noting that if you search this topic, you’ll get various takes on these stages. Generally, they’re all saying the same thing just in different ways. There are other frameworks, too, like the buyer’s journey or the content funnel, which I’ll write about later. The true, all-encompassing customer journey is a much more comprehensive process. Knowing these 5 simple stages, however, gets us started on that journey. In other words, let’s keep it simple for now.

Stage of Awareness 1: Unaware

They don’t know they have a problem, so they don’t know (or care) there’s a solution. This stage is best served by content that educates them about the problem. Some of this is nuanced, as you’ll see in my example. My clients often have a problem like ineffective marketing tactics, but they’re unaware that the true problem, or underlying problem is their messaging.

Example: Are your Facebook ads not working? It might be your brand messaging.

Stage of Awareness 2: Problem Aware

They know they have a problem, but they don’t know there’s a solution. Now that they’re aware there’s a problem, they start to search for solutions. This includes actual online searches but also reaching out to family and friends to see if they can recommend anyone.

Example: OMG My brand messaging is all over the place. I just have so many different things to say that my copy is a mess!

Stage of Awareness 3: Solution Aware

They’re moving closer and closer to becoming a customer, as they realize the type of solution they may need.

Example: I need to hire a professional copywriter.

Stage of Awareness 4: Product/Service Aware 

They not only know about the solution category (writers) but they know of you and your product/service.

Example: Jenn Prochaska of The Write Difference is a highly experienced and respected copywriter. I’m on Jenn’s email list, and wow! does she know her stuff.

Stage of Awareness 5: Most Aware

This is it. This is as far as your marketing can take someone. Now it’s up to the sales side to take over and close the deal. They’re ready to buy but need a little push to do so.

Example: I had a conversation with Jenn and was impressed. The proposal is in my inbox.

Content Types for Each of the 5 Stages of Awareness

Some types of content are better suited for different stages. Long-form blog articles, for instance, are great for the top of the funnel, or the most unaware. They help educate. Social posts are also good for this when those posts reach your target audience.

Email marketing is THE best way to move someone from unaware to most aware. You can educate and sell — at the same time. Those who are earlier in your funnel will connect with the education, while those at the end who are ready to buy will look for reason to buy. Sometimes that reason is timing; sometimes it’s pricing.

More than the tactic, it’s the messaging that will make a difference. Going back to those ineffective Facebook ads, if your messaging is all about BUY NOW but your audience doesn’t believe they need your product/service, those ads won’t work. You’d be better off with softer messaging such as “Do you sometimes feel tired at 3pm? Click here to read some reasons why.”If, on the other hand, a global pandemic hits, you already know there are new problems out there, waiting to be solved. “Curbside Now Available” becomes a more effective messaging.

If you want to see me talk more about the 5 Stages of Awareness, head over to my TikTok for a series of videos.

Now that you know the 5 Stages of Awareness, start applying it to your own ideal customer. I find writing it out helps. If you’re too busy for this stuff, you’re in luck! Contact me, and we’ll get started. I always include this information in the Message Passport.

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