Why You Want Your Messaging to Repel People
Brand Strategy, Copywriting Tips
If I had a dollar for every time someone told me their product or service was “for everyone,” I’d be pretty set up. If you follow me on the socials, you know I say if you’re talking to everyone, you’re talking to no one. Connecting to the right audience is vital to your business success — not just your marketing success, your business success. If you take one thing away from this article, let it be this:
You want your messaging to attract the right people and repel the wrong.
Repel? What?
If your messaging speaks directly to the right people, the wrong people will turn away.
There are 3 factors that define “right.”
- They are best served by your service or product.
- They’re ready for it. If someone who is best served by your service or product isn’t ready, we may still market to them but we do so separately from our main message. This is when funnels and copywriting for the 5 stages of awareness come in.
- They jive with your vibe. If your Brand Personality is sarcastic and fun, you’re not going to want to work with someone who isn’t — nor will they want to work with you.
Imagine you sell ice cream. Would you try to sell to someone who doesn’t like ice cream? You could … but first you’d have to dig into why they didn’t like it. Then you’d have to convince them why they would like yours. Wouldn’t it just be easier to sell to people who like ice cream?
I recently learned this lesson myself. For years, I tried to define my brand messages, except I was unable to write effectively because I couldn’t clearly define my ideal client. Whenever I tried, I envisioned a brick wall. I tried all sorts of techniques. Nothing.
Then it happened.
Through a series of events, my ideal client became clear to me. It’s the established, ambitious business owner or solopreneur whose website no longer reflects what they actually do. They may even feel embarrassed to give out their web address. Or, when they do, they disclaim it, saying, “It’s not very good” or “I need a new one.”
They have a lot to say because they’re passionate about their business. They have so much to say they get tongue-tied when asked what they do. I know I did! They send out 10 different messages to social media and then wonder why no one’s engaging with them. 🙋♀️ They spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on marketing tactics (hello, Facebook ads) that don’t work.
When we think about defining our client, we often think demographics. Sometimes those matter. If you’re selling anti-wrinkle cream, you’re more likely to sell to someone experiencing wrinkles. You’re also more likely to sell to someone who doesn’t want wrinkles.
Therefore, my ideal client has to value authentic messaging.
Can I sell to people who believe a college kid can write their sales page or who want to use ChatGPT to write blog articles?
Maybe, but it’s going to take a lot more work. (Personally, I’m not going to try and convince people who believe ChatGPT will replace human writers. I’m going to let them try it. When they don’t get the results they expected, I’ll be here. But I digress …)
Prior to this epiphany, I was trying to reach people who were just starting their business. Could I help them? Yes, but they’re not really ready for me. They don’t have any customers to survey. It takes time in business to really refine and evolve. They don’t have that. They also don’t realize the value of messaging, and if they do, they often can’t afford to hire me.
It’s like selling ice cream to someone who doesn’t like ice cream.
Now that I know who I’m talking to, I connect effortlessly. My brand messaging, including my One Key Message, is in place and I feel confident, secure and focused in my content creation. I help you upgrade your messaging to first class so you can stop wasting your marketing dollars 🙌
When you come to my website, the copy speaks directly to those I serve. My emails talk about the pain points that only an established business owner will relate to. Remember, we’re going for connection. While, yes, the new business owner may stick around because I provide valuable insights and tips, they aren’t (yet) my ideal client. In 2 years, however, they just might be. This, by the way, is the essence of a funnel, a different topic for a different day.
For now, understand that you’re not selling to everyone nor should you try to sell to everyone. Define the right and connect to them through memorable, differentiating and authentic messaging. By repelling the wrong, you make more room for attracting the right.
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